Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." (Gandhi)

Are we as Christians helping promote the message of Christ or are we defaming it? Does someone look at us and see Christ or do they see a hypocrite? Sadly, I feel it's more often than not they see someone they don't like. It's not Jesus they don't like, its us and our superiority complexes. They see someone who isn't any different from themselves apart from the occasional church service attendance.

I've got to be honest, if I wasn't a Christian, I probably would hate Christians. And its not because I think the theology is stupid or senseless. It's because more often then not, I don't see the faith that they profess acted out in their lives. Its because they are willing to judge and not love others.

As Christians we are called to imitate Christ. Which requires a fair bit of thought before action. Jesus was love. So we need to love unconditionally and without claim for reward. Jesus was moral compass of the time, so similarly we need to be the moral compass in our area. Jesus was action. He said things, then he backed them up with action. So we need to do likewise. We need to say things we mean, and we need to back up statements with action.(I'll talk about these in more detail in the next blog)

Simply, as Christians we need to be above reproach. We need to be shining examples in our community. People that others can look at and find no cause for dislike or mistrust. We need to change the perception in society of what it is to be a christian; and that can only start with us.

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