Friday, February 12, 2010

Don't Mess This Up

I've recently started reading the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and as I suspected I have found the first little portion that I have read so very interesting and challenging. On p23 and 24 it says,
How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition!

Its a big quote and it took me a few times to get it but I believe Screwtape (an experienced tempter) speaks of the manner in which most of us will die so accurately. How each of us will be lying on a bed somewhere hoping then praying that our lives may be extended so we could live for ourselves some more. Or maybe, we'll be lying there thinking about how we've wasted our lives on ourselves up to this point. Or maybe we are lying there wondering if we ever did anything of real consequence.

I know death isn't a nice topic to talk about but I think that if you begin with the end in mind then things will work out. Point is, what I described above and the quote from the book are not what I have in mind about the end of my human life. Good. So how do I make sure that that isn't how it ends?

How do I make sure that I don't mess up life? The answer to that question differs from person to person. For me, a successful life is one that is not lived for myself but for others. A life that has made a difference in others lives. A life that has drawn people to Christ and a life that has pointed others to Him. In short it all about Jesus and being Jesus to those who don't know Him.

So then, I've got to live my life with those goals and aims in mind. If I want to live a selfless life, I am not going to succeed by living selfishly. It would be pointless to live that way. It doesn't just happen, it takes work to live like that. But I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Unlike the guys from The Bucket List, I don't wanna wait till I'm at death's door before I figure out what life's about.